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Wolters Kluwer
CCH Tagetik

ESG & Sustainability Performance Management

macbookpro A screenshot of a dashboard in a computer.

Meet compliance requirements and drive strategic, sustainable growth with CCH® Tagetik ESG & Sustainability

You’ve walked the ESG “Walk” – now it’s time to walk the ESG “Talk”.
CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability provides everything you need to meet ESG reporting requirements and the data intelligence to drive long-term sustainable growth.

Tackle evolving ESG regulations with a pre-built and configurable expert solution that streamlines data collection, calculation, and disclosure. Beyond compliance, the real power of this solution is that it shows you how ESG initiatives and financial performance converge.

By embedding ESG KPIs into your financial and operational plans, you are able to improve decision making, identify growth opportunities, and address risks – credit, climate, reputation, and more.

Create a better future on. With CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability, you are compliant while driving sustainable strategies that improve results and your ESG score.

A dashboard that shows a number of different dashboards (ESG-screenshot).

ESG screenshot

ESG: Shape a sustainable future

Adhere to multiple standards, frameworks, and regulations as they evolve. The Tagetik solution supports EU taxonomy, GRI, SASB and more.

For companies that disclose ESG performance in their annual reports, CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability allows you to automatically prepare financial and non-financial data for disclosure.

Learn how ESG initiatives impact the bottom line. Use scenario planning and what-if analyses to identify the impact of an ESG decision on financial statements, departmental plans, and business strategies. Create comprehensive forecasts to demonstrate the long-term benefits of an ESG initiative.

Get a 360-degree view of how ESG impacts each department and how each department can improve ESG

Integrate ESG strategy into all financial processes. Understand how ESG data interacts and impacts financial performance and other operational information to improve budgets, variance reporting, and strategic forecasting.

Then give neighboring departments such as marketing, sales, human resources, and supply chain the ability to measure and analyze their own ESG performance.

Because CCH Tagetik is powered by a powerful data engine, you can transform financial, operational, and ESG data into actionable information while seeing how performance overlaps.

With all data centralized, you can find ESG opportunities in your business model, identify cost savings, and realize the quantifiable benefits of your ESG strategy.

Use ESG data to address risk. Analyze your enterprise risk and understand the associated KPLs. Use common, standardized metrics and display ESG data on a year-over-year basis. Use tables and charts to more easily compare ESG data with that of other companies.

Build ESG into your broader risk management framework with strong data and governance controls.

Attracting investors. Reduce financial risk and improve your ESG rating by seeing how sustainability initiatives impact your ESG score.

Forecast ESG performance using built-in forecasts, then model your ESG score based on possible outcomes.

Wolters Kluwer | CCH Tagetik – ESG

Gain insights. Create value. Drive business.
Experience one of the best CPM platforms solution and discover the benefits.

3 reasons why CCH Tagetik ESG & Sustainability allows you to focus on your business.

Disclosure in accordance with existing and forthcoming frameworks and regulations. Report ESG and sustainability requirements in accordance with the EU taxonomy standard, GRI, SASB, and other emerging frameworks.

Promote a culture of long-term sustainability. Show stakeholders the impact of ESG activities and how they intersect with financial and operational goals. Develop comprehensive and nuanced narratives in reports.

Plan for a better future. Play out ESG scenarios to see both the real and bottom line impacts. Use what-if analyses to improve the impact of sustainability plans while reducing costs, limiting risks, and optimizing resources.

Wolters Kluwer | CCH Tagetik - Discover solutions

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Experience the difference with CCH Tagetik

CCH Tagetik goes beyond basic CPM capabilities. By reconciling financial and operational data on a unified platform, our software ensures that you are working with a “single point of truth.” The result is faster financial processes and a complete overview of your entire company.

Learn more about CCH Tagetik‘s unified CPM platform:

Finanzen und den operativen Betrieb intelligent verknüpfen. Besser managen. Schneller reagieren.

Vollständig automatisiert. Einfach zusammengefasst. Erstellen Sie sich einen schnellen und präzisen Abschluss..

Manage Cash. Risiko reduzieren. Liquidität optimieren.

Optimieren Sie die „letzte Meile“. Berichterstattung – sorgfältig und vertraulich.

Compliance- Anforderungen erfüllen. Korrekte Berichtserstattung. Regelkonform ohne Hindernisse.

Treffen Sie genaue, datengetriebene Entscheidungen mit CCH Tagetik Advanced Analytics & Dashboarding

Schaffen Sie Konformität. Vertrauen aufbauen. Treiben Sie eine nachhaltigere Zukunft voran.

Beschleunigen Sie Ihren Abschluss. Erhöhen Sie die Transparenz. Die Kontrolle übernehmen.

Granulare Daten. Maximale Einblicke. Sorgen Sie für höhere Leistung und profitables Wachstum

Die CCH Tagetik-Lösung kombiniert vertraute Reporting-Tools mit Echtzeitdaten, Automatisierung und Finanzintelligenz.

COGS steuern. Entscheidungsfindung verbessern. Profit maximieren.

Lieferketten ausrichten. Angebot und Nachfrage ausgleichen. Funktionsübergreifend zusammenarbeiten.

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